Where MOE is now
An Infoset foundation of classes
For starters, and for SAX2 compatibility, an Infoset-based set of classes is at the foundation of MOE. A mutable class, which has similar Infoset-based understandings, is also provided.
SAX2-in, SAX2-out
MOE has conversions to and from SAX events, true to its origins in a SAX filter. Originally the logic was built into the MOE classes, but it has moved out to visitor classes.
Beginnings of a GUI
MOEWorkshop is a Swing-based GUI that wraps MOE structures. I'm hoping primarily to use it to view the results of transformations within MOE, but sometimes I dream of turning it into a more interactive tool, perhaps eventually a full-blown editor.
Beginnings of a parser
I've started writing an XML parser based on my experience in writing lexical document modifiers like O2KCleanup, DOCTYPEChanger, and Ents. I need a parser to get my visions of full support for lexical notation off the ground.
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