Room for multiple views
XML has been dominated by programmers with a very narrow view of what matters in an XML document, leading to specs like the Infoset which are designed to let applications specify what matters to them - but provides options that already strike out much of XML's lexical richness. It's time to take the Desperate Perl Hacker seriously, and to remember the power of lexical hackery.
The value of text
A lot of developers seem to view XML as yet another binary format, albeit a verbose one. A document may represent a serialized object or a database table - but documents are not simply objects or tables. Once expressed as text, the information has the opportunity of a new life, infinitely repurposed as any finder deems appropriate.
Flexible frameworks take a lot of thought
Making MOE work has been more of a challenge than I expected. Java's interface model makes a lot of things easier, but designing interfaces to preserve flexibility while keeping information usable is a big challenge. I'm very happy not to have faced a committee, like DOM.
XML's been good, but markup may be more interesting
As happy as I've been to blast on SGML's complexity, XML really just represents a different set of trade-offs.
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