Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
XML does Pictures
Supplementing (X)HTML
While (X)HTML uses markup to describe text formatting, it had always relied on binary formats to present graphical information. SVG offers a chance to use markup in place of those binary formats, though it can also include them.
Vector graphics, not bitmaps
Because SVG defines graphics as a list of rules for drawing or manipulating images, it offers much more flexibility for tasks like zooming in or out, animating graphics, or searching graphics.
Plug-ins or built-ins or separate applications
Microsoft hasn't shown much explicit interest in SVG, but Adobe offers a plug-in, distributed with Acrobat Reader, which permits transparent processing of SVG in Internet Explorer. Mozilla is integrating SVG processing with its browser. Other projects, like Batik, are dedicated SVG viewers, and some applications, like Adobe Illustrator, offer import and export of SVG.
Some missing vendors
Microsoft has done little with SVG, as noted above. Macromedia, the purveyor of Flash, has also not integrated SVG with any of its products.
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