XML in the Browser
Different takes
This simple approach combines an XML document with a set of rules (the CSS style sheet) for presenting that document. It presents the document 'as is', without modifying the document structure.
XSLT allows developers to transform XML documents into HTML or XML+CSS result documents, changing the structure of the document as necessary for a particular application.
HTML + "XML Data Islands"
Microsoft's 'Data Islands' aren't kosher XML (you can't have elements named 'XML', for instance), but they do give developers working with Internet Explorer 5.x a means of including XML content inside of a document or referencing it externally.
Dynamic XML
It hasn't really come to pass, thanks largely to a lack of standards for scripting XML in browsers, but it's thoroughly implemented in Mozilla, especially XUL, and somewhat implemented in Internet Explorer 5.x.
A recasting of HTML in XML syntax, XHTML makes it possible for HTML and XML developers to use each other's tools and vocabularies. XHTML 1.0 is a simple clean-up, while Modularization introduces tools for adding to the XHTML vocabulary and reusing portions of that vocabulary in other XML vocabularies.
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