Automatic software generation
If you take the wildest promises of Web Services seriously, developers will only have to define a rough framework, which tools will then fill in with services. UDDI and WSDL are definitely targeted at interactions with tools.
Leased services
Server-based processing with WS-based clients seems to offer developers a much stronger business model, offering more local and less Webby interfaces to services without actually giving the user the complete software. These services can ride on the same HTTP infrastructure as the Web, with few of its limitations.
Business as usual
A lot of developers want to use Web Services much as they use EDI today, connecting organizations but avoiding the pricing model of EDI in favor of a smaller fee for tools.
Web Services, meet the Web
Google just rolled out a SOAP interface for its services, and other Web-oriented organizations may well follow. Web Services offer a much lower-impact approach to exchanging information between programs than does the usual HTML-crawling.
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