Ethan Cerami and Simon St.Laurent
McGraw-Hill - $49.99

Building XML Applications

XML promises to revolutionize the Web and the nature of distributed computing. XML holds enormous promise as the file format of choice for Web development, document interchange, and data interchange, and presents a new world of opportunities and challenges to programmers. What Java is doing for programming, XML may do for data. Combining the two, as is done throughout this book, makes it possible to build exciting (and useful!) applications and architectures.

Building XML Applications provides developers with a solid introduction to XML and key programming tools for building robust, scalable XML applications in Java. After a thorough introduction to XML's place in the developer's toolkit and its syntax, Building XML Applications presents detailed coverage of parsers, a key tool for developers. Focusing on Java development, the sample applications use the Simple API for XML (SAX) to create parser-independent solutions that can fit in a wide variety of situations. Other XML tools, like style sheets, namespaces, linking, and the Document Object Model (DOM) are also explored, giving developers a friendly but approachable introduction to these revolutionary technologies.

Topics covered include:

Two examples from the book are currently available as demos on-line:


Updated versions of the Chapter 19 linking examples, now based on my XLinkFilter library, are available.

In Chapter 20, Sun has changed the interfaces of the parser since the book was written. A new file with a modified constructor is available. This version works with Technology Release 2 of the Sun Project X parser, while the original worked with Early Access 1.


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