Class LinkMap


public class LinkMap
extends Applet
implements ActionListener
The LinkMap class creates a small imagemap applet that uses XML files for its source material. In this version, it supports extended links in multiple directions, building a link list as it goes. This class is an applet for testing purposes only and does not need to be present to use the XLinkFilter, LinkSet, or Link classes with other applications.

Variable Index

 o areas
 o caption
 o image
 o links
 o tempLinks
 o xmlDoc
 o xmlURL

Constructor Index

 o LinkMap()

Method Index

 o actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
 o init()
 o load(URL)
 o paint(Graphics)
 o processMouseEvent(MouseEvent)
 o update(Graphics)


 o image
 protected Image image
 o caption
 protected String caption
 o xmlDoc
 protected String xmlDoc
 o xmlURL
 protected URL xmlURL
 o links
 protected LinkSet links
 o tempLinks
 protected LinkSet tempLinks
 o areas
 protected Vector areas


 o LinkMap
 public LinkMap()


 o init
 public void init()
init in class Applet
 o load
 public void load(URL loadURL)
 o processMouseEvent
 public void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
processMouseEvent in class Component
 o update
 public void update(Graphics g)
update in class Container
 o paint
 public void paint(Graphics g)
paint in class Container
 o actionPerformed
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)