All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


addLink(Link). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
Adds a link to the Set
addLinkSet(LinkSet). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
Add a set of links to this linkSet


baseURL. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter


createLink(String, String, String, String, String, String). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
Create a link, short version.
createLink(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
Create a link, long version.
createLinkSet(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
Create a LinkSet Allows overriding of this method within descendants of XLinkfilter.


destActuate. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
destBehavior. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
destConnect. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
destLoc. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
destRole. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
destShow. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
destTitle. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
destURL. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
direction. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link


endElement(String). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.location.LocationFilter
endElement(String). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
equals(Link). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link


getAllLinks(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
Gets an enumerator for all the links in this set
getByLoc(String). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
Gets a set of link that match a location.
getByURL(String). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
Gets a set of link that match a URL
getByURLAndLoc(String, String). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
Get a set of links that match a URL and location.
getDestActuate(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getDestBehavior(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getDestConnect(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getDestLoc(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getDestRole(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getDestShow(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getDestTitle(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getDestURL(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getDirection(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getInline(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getLinkHTML(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getLinkType(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getLocation(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.location.LocationFilter
The getLocation() method returns the Stack currently in use, identifying the location of the current element.
getLocationAsXPtr(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.location.LocationFilter
The getLocationAsXPtr() method returns the location of the current element as an XPointer, suitable for use in XLink applications, such as XLinkFilter.
getOriginConnect(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getOriginContentRole(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getOriginContentTitle(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getOriginLoc(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
getOriginURL(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link


holdingTank. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
htmlLinkType. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter


inline. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
isUnique(Link). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
Gets a set of link that match a URL


Link(String, String, String, String, String, String). Constructor for class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
first constructor - short version Note that all links using this version are assumed to: have connectors of #, be inline, be forward links, not be HTML links, and have no roles, show, actuate, or behavior.
Link(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean). Constructor for class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
second constructor - long version This version provides access to all fields of the Link class and is the version used by the XLinkFilter class.
linkAt(int). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
Gets an link for at a specified position
linkElement. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
linkHTML. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
LinkSet(). Constructor for class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
linkType. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
localAtts. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
LocationFilter(). Constructor for class com.simonstl.sax.location.LocationFilter
zero-argument constructor
LocationFilter(Parser). Constructor for class com.simonstl.sax.location.LocationFilter
one-argument constructor
locationStack. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.location.LocationFilter
locator. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter


makeForwardLink(Link, Link). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
Create a Forward Link.
makeReverseLink(Link, Link). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
Create a reverse Link.
makeSidewaysLink(Link, Link). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
Create a sideways Link.
markLocation. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter


originConnect. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
originContentRole. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
originContentTitle. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
originLoc. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
originURL. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link


parse(InputSource). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
Parse an XML document
parse(String). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
Parse an XML document from a system identifier (URI).
print(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.Link
printAllLinks(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
Prints LinkSet - mostly for debugging
processHTML. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter


removeAllLinks(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
Remove all the links in this set
returnAsAttribute. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.location.LocationFilter


setDocumentLocator(Locator). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
setHTMLProcessing(boolean). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
one-argument setHTMLProcessing turns HTML processing on and off.
setHTMLProcessing(boolean, String). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
two-argument setHTMLProcessing turns HTML processing on and off, allows more experimentation
setLinkSet(LinkSet). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
setLinkSet allows the application to register a LinkSet that should receive all the linking information.
setLocationMark(boolean). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
setLocationMark turns Location marking on and off.
setReturnAttribute(boolean). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.location.LocationFilter
The setReturnAttribute tells the LocationFilter whether to include Location info as an attribute.
size(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
Gets the size of the linkSet
startElement(String, AttributeList). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.location.LocationFilter
The startElement method provides most of the functionality of Location Filter, building a stack to keep track of where in the hierarchy the current element is.
startElement(String, AttributeList). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter


theLinkSet. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
theParser. Variable in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
toString(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.LinkSet
toString - for debugging
toString(). Method in class com.simonstl.sax.location.LocationFilter


XLinkFilter(). Constructor for class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
zero-argument constructor
XLinkFilter(Parser). Constructor for class com.simonstl.sax.xlink.XLinkFilter
one-argument constructor