Python and Zope
- An environment for heavy-duty script processing Zope provides a home for scripts that comes complete with its own facilities. While Zope can be used to perform the kinds of integration scripts and scripting environments perform, Zope provides a world of its own out of the box.
- Separation of roles Zope provides for separation of administration, content management, software development, and authoring. Other environments (ASP, Perl, JSP, etc.) typically require a combination of all of these roles for creating pages.
- Parts is parts Like ASP, Zope has a strong selection of modules available for Web designers who want specific functionality without having to write their own code.
- Open source Zope and most Zope tools are open source, giving scripters as much or more information than they need about the internals of the objects they manipulate.
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Copyright 2000 Simon St.Laurent