Styles for Links
Linking as Transformation Tool
- How strong a stylesheet? Advocates of a minimalist XLink have long argued that extended link processing - the conversion of sets of resources into traversable paths - is something that should be handled by another layer, most likely the style sheet layer. While Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) may be capable of handling some of this work, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is definitely not oriented this direction.
- Memory 'Multi-directional' links require applications to keep track of links as users traverse them. At present, there is no way for an XSL stylesheet to keep track of this kind of information, though extensions may allow applications to help follow the information.
- Multiple trees XSL processing is complicated by the fact that link locations in the original document need to be mapped to the results of the transformation.
- Are links presentation or content? No one really knows - or at least most everyone disagrees.
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Copyright 2000 Simon St.Laurent