Leaping to Java?
- Heretical topic for scripters A lot of Web developers, especially those happy with their scripting tools, find suggestions that moving to Java is a good idea objectionable. At some level of complexity, however...
- Similar facilities to scripting Java offers a wide variety of tools for performing the same XML tasks that scripts perform - event- and tree-based parsers, DOM support, and Java Server Pages for constructing documents in a Web-oriented environment.
- Disadvantages Java is cleaner in many ways, but it requires a much great investment in skill-building. There aren't many resources for 'scripting Web pages with Java'. The infrastructure is more or less closed source, whatever Sun may like to claim otherwise. The Java community is generally more programming-oriented than the scripting community, with less tolerance for the quick hacks that make scripting exciting.
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Copyright 2000 Simon St.Laurent