Building a Local Web Server: step by step
Initially, this site only covered setting up a PC server using Linux. Now that I've had the time (and the money for memory) to set up Windows NT, I'm expanding this to more thoroughly cover my experiences with NT. I don't feel that either approach is better than the other; each has advantages, and each has limitations. This may disappoint a few of the people who sent me enthusiastic replies about "making web servers easy without resorting to Microsoft products" but I feel that posting on both operating systems makes more sense. As in the original, I'm still explaining how to set up a Mac client only although you could, of course, use another Linux or Windows NT machine as a client without having to change very many of my instructions. Because of the duplication of information and because some people had requested an easier-to-use outline, I've reorganized the material into the following outline.
Setting up a tiny Mac-PC TCP/IP network
Setting up a Macintosh client
Setting up a Linux Server
Setting up a Windows NT Server
Using your server
Note on the Digital Starion
Back to the start of the Linux instructions
Copyright 1995 by Simon St.Laurent. All rights reserved. You may print this document for yourself or others at no charge, but commercial distribution without permission is prohibited.
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